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Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Booklist and sources for the preparation of Hindi medium civil service examination

UPSC candidates of the Hindi medium often want to know what we should and should not read during the preparation of the Civil Services Examination. Here we have prepared a list of useful books and other sources based on the understanding, study and experience of UPSC Toppers through this article and hope that this information will definitely help you in preparing for this exam correctly.

As we all know that books are our primary source for preparing for this exam, first of all, we will tell about the parts covered under general studies and books useful for them.

For history, NCERT books from class nine (9th) to class twelve (12th) and "Brief History of Modern India" of the spectrum and Bipin Chandra's "Post-Independence India" books will be useful. Keep in mind that in the new syllabus the history of post-independence is also asked, if possible, you can also study Ramchandra Guha's "After India Gandhi".

For geography also, NCERT books from class nine (9th) to twelve (12th) can be studied and if required even then books from Mahesh Barnwal or Majid Hussain.

For preparing the polity, we can read M. Laxmikant's "Indian Polity" and Men's Exam Paper-2 for "Indian Governance" in which we should carefully read the issues related to rights.

For economy part one can prepare Ramesh Singh or Lal and Lal's book, NCERT books from class nine (9th) to twelve (12th) and "Economic Survey" published by Government of India and "Budget" etc.

Study NCERT for Environment, Science Reporter, Shankar IAS Coaching Environment Notes, Environment Ministry website (, In addition to this, you can take help of The Hindu and Indian Express newspapers.

To prepare science and technology NCERT books of class VI (6th) to 10th (10th) and current affairs related to science and technology such as what is being developed in the field of science and technology. We can prepare questions related to subjects through newspapers or websites.

Pushpa Bisht Sinha's book for Indian culture is published by Jawahar Book Depot (Delhi) and in addition to this one can read the history of Indian art from the book of Fine Arts of NCERT.

Internal security is a topic of the main exam and for this is a book by Tata McGraw Hill written by Ashok Kumar IPS and Vipul Kumar.

Preparation can be done for international relations from any good coaching and teacher's notes, as well as from the Ministry of External Affairs website and current affairs can also be prepared for this part.

For the preparation of Indian society, there is a small book written by Shyam Charan Dubey which is published by National Book Trust ( or Ram Ahuja, besides NCERT of 11th and 12th and 12th class. Read sociology books.

Read the NCERT books of Psychology for Ethics Mains Exam Paper - 4, but keep in mind that it is not to be read very deeply, because they also have a part of philosophy. If seen, this subject cannot be prepared from any particular book, but if you see some prominent and good writers or administrative thinkers like Philosophy like Indian philosophy in Indian philosophy, it can help a lot.

A book for essay preparation is "Essay Darshan" from Drishti Prakashan which is written by Dr. Vikas Divyakirti and Nishant Jain and has about 150 model essays which will contribute significantly in the preparation of this section.

Current affairs is an important part of the preparation of this examination, mainly in the preliminary examination and main examination, most of the questions are being asked from this part. And for its proper preparation, there are some leading newspapers like - The Hindu, Dainik Jagran (National Edition), New World, can also read useful material from Dainik Bhaskar. Apart from this, you can read the business standard and editorial page of Business Standard which is also available in Hindi.

Additional sources

Apart from this, one should read the "India Year Book" published every year by the Ministry of Information Broadcasting, Government of India, and if there is time, ask for other informative books published by the National Book Trust and Ministry of Information Broadcasting, or read from the library as per your interest.

There are some government journals in magazines such as Yojana and Kurukshetra which have to be read well and read "Drishti Current Affairs Today" or "Chronicle Magazine" (any one of these) and while on time you can also read some important articles of "Frontline Magazine" Huh. And from all these sources, make good information about the latest economic and social welfare schemes of the Government of India and their characteristics, etc.

Apart from this,

 for the development of his mind, language and writing style, which is necessary for Ethics and Essay papers, it will be beneficial to read "Aha Jindagi" of Dainik Bhaskar Group and "Kadambini" magazines of Hindustan Group.

Useful Websites,,,,,, and others can view the websites of various ministries of the Government of India and examine the study material as per their interest and requirement. It can be constructed.

Keep in mind that this list is neither final nor best, our suggestion is that the candidates can add and subtract from these according to their convenience and level of preparation. Because this list is indicative and it is not mandatory for you to read every source given in it.
Best of Luck!

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