IAS Main Exam Syllabus: Commerce and Accounting (optional)
Question Paper - 1
Accounting and Finance, Accounting, Taxation and Auditing
1. Financial Accounting: Accounting as a financial information system; Impact of behavioral categories, accounting standards, eg, accounting lists for fundamentals R&D costs, long-term construction contracts, revenue identification, fixed assets, contingencies, foreign exchange transactions, investments and government grants, cash flow statements, per-share Earnings.
Accounting of share capital transactions including bonus shares, right shares, employee stock options and buyback of securities (by-bank).
Preparation and submission of final accounts of the company.
Amalgamation, amalgamation, and reconstruction of companies.
2. Cost accounting:
The form and function of cost accounting. Establishment of cost accounting system, cost concepts related to income measurement, profit planning, cost control and decision making.
Costing methods: Job costing, process costing, activity-based costing. Quantity - cost-benefit relationship as a tool of organizing approx.
Annual analysis as pricing decisions \ Differential cost determination, product. Decision, construction or purchasing decision. Decision to stop etc.
Cost control and cost reduction methods: Budgeting as a tool of planning and control. Standard Cost Determination and Broadcast Analysis. Accountability Accounting and Divisional Performance Measurement.
3. Taxation
Income Tax Definitions: Charge Basis; Income not forming part of total income. Income from various items, ie salary, income from house property, receipts and gains from business or occupation, capital receipts, other, income from sources and other persons included in the total income as determined. Adjustment and advancement of losses. Deductions from gross totals of income.
Key Features / Provisions related to Value-Based Tax (VAT) and Service Tax.
4. Auditing: Company audit; Audit, dividend, special check, tax audit related to divisible benefits. Auditing of banking, insurance and profit organizations; Former entities \ trusts \ organizations.
part 2
Financial Management, Financial Institutions, and Markets
1. Financial Management
Finance Function: The nature, scope and goals of financial management: Risk and return relationship. Tools of financial analysis: ratio analysis, fund flow, and cash flow statement.
Capital budgeting decisions: Procedures, methods, and estimation methods. Risk and uncertainty analysis and methods.
Cost of Capital: Concept, Specific Cost of Capital and Design of Computed Average Cost. As a tool to determine the cost of equity capital (CAPM).
Financing Decisions: Principles of Capital Structure - Net Income (NI) Approach.
Design of Capital Structure: Types of Leverage (Operating, Financial and Combined) EBIT-EPS analysis and other factors.
Dividend decisions and firm valuation: Walter's model, MM thesis, Gordon's model, Lintner's model. Factors affecting dividend policy.
Working Capital Management: Working Capital Planning. Determinants of working capital. Components of working capital Cash, inventory and receivables.
Integrated company restructuring on mergers and acquisitions (financial perspective only).
2. Financial Markets & Institutions
Indian Financial System: Overview.
Money Market: Partners, Structure, and Forms \ Financial Banks.
Banking Sector Reforms: Monetary and Credit Policy of Reserve Bank of India. Reserve Bank of India as a regulator.
Capital Markets: Primary and Secondary Markets: Financial Market Forms and Functional Debt Forms, Financial Services as Regulators: Mutual Funds, Risk Capital, Credit Value Agencies, Insurance and IRDA.
Question Paper - 2
Organization Theory and Practice, Human Resource Management, Industrial Relations
1. Organization theory: the form and concept of the organization; The external environment of the organization - technological, social, political, economic and legal; Organizational Goals - Primary and Secondary. Goals, single and multiple goals; Development of objective management \ organization theory; Classical, neoclassical and system approaches.
The modern concept of organization theory: organizational design, organizational structure, and organizational culture.
Coordination of formal and informal organizations. Mechanical and concrete structure.
Design of organizational structure - Authority and control; Business and staff functions, specialties and coordination. Types of organizational structure - Functional.
Mahari Structure, Project Structure. The nature and basis of power, sources of power, power structure and politics. Influence of information technology on organizational design and structure.
Managing organizational culture.
2. Organization behavior
Meaning and Concept; Personality, Theory, and Determinants in Organizations; Syllogism - Meaning and Process. Motivation: Concept, Theory, and Application.
Leadership - Principles and Styles. Quality of life (QWL): its impact on meaning and performance, ways to increase it. Quality cycle (QC) - Meaning and their importance. Managing conflicts in organizations. Transaction analysis, organizational impact factors, change management.
Part - 2: Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations
Human Resource Management (HRM): Meaning, nature and scope of human resource management, human resource planning, job analysis, job description., Job specification, planning process, selection process, orientation and placement, training and development process, performance assessment. And 360o. Feed banks, salary and wage administration, job evaluation, employee welfare, promotions, transfers, and severance.
3. Industrial Relations (IR)
The meaning, nature, importance, and scope of industrial relations, the composition of trade unions, trade union legislation, the trade union movement in India, recognition of trade unions, problems of trade unions in India, impact of liberalization on the trade union movement.
Nature of industrial disputes; Workers' participation in the management of strike and lockout, disputes due to dispute and settlement: philosophy, rationale, current situation, and future prospects.
Judgment and collective bargaining.
Industrial relations in public enterprises, non-attendance and labor turnover in Indian industries and their causes and remedies.
ILO and its functions
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